Collection: Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation refers to its color, which is determined by the presence of a pigment called melanin. In the discourse on cosmetics and care, spots that appear on the skin are called pigmentation. Pigmentation manifests itself in uneven tones in the skin, including the appearance of spots on the skin of the face and body. In most cases, these are brown spots that appear on the skin of the face, especially on the forehead, nose, cheeks and upper lip. Several skin disorders are included under pigmentation: sunspots, hyperpigmentation , hypopigmentation , hormonal pigmentation ( melasma ) and post-inflammatory pigmentation. These various conditions result from overproduction or underproduction of melanin. The treatment of pigmentation depends on the type of pigmentation and the personal data of the patient.

Pigmentation spots are not destiny, even in a sunny country like Israel. In the event that the need to treat pigmentation arises, the skin type and shades must be carefully diagnosed. B- TreatMed Clinics Treatments are offered to achieve an even and healthy skin tone, and to improve the skin and its care. With the help of the expertise of the women of the treatment team, it is possible to treat the skin after pigmentation has already appeared, as well as prepare it for exposure to the sun.

home care

the treatment of pigmentation It is advisable to complete with home treatment. The care sets of Tritmed Clinics seek to help you and yours take care of your facial skin and improve it. Estimates include selected products from a variety of companies, including those that can only be purchased through beauticians. This way there is no commitment to a specific company and you can enjoy the best products available from all the companies that sell in Israel. The various preparations were carefully selected by the Tritmed Clinics team to cooperate in the cleaning, restoration and renewal of your skin. Assessments can be purchased in a course that includes close supervision by the TreatMed Clinics team that will help you get the most out of your skincare routine and raise a level in your facial skin care at home. Treatmed Clinics specializes in providing a personalized aesthetic experience, both in the treatments carried out in the clinic and in your self-care with the help of appreciation, and we are here to provide you with an aesthetic experience you have never known before.

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