Collection: Acne treatment

acne ( Acne ) is a common skin disease characterized by pimples called comedones (more commonly known as pimples). The lesions can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory, red or have a black head (known as "black") or a white head. These pimples may appear on the skin of the face, chest and back, and this varies in severity from patient to patient . Acne is quite common among teenagers, and has earned the Hebrew name "age spots". But despite the deceptive name, acne also exists among adults and causes discomfort to this population as well. Those who suffer from acne may see the disease and its symptoms as very significant for them, and seek to find a solution - either for the acne or for the scars it leaves.

It is recommended to consult a dermatologist regarding medical treatment for acne that will improve the condition. However, not everyone is interested in receiving drug treatment, either due to possible side effects or due to other reasons. Whether or not drug treatment is used, the situation can be improved through dedicated aesthetic treatments performed by a doctor or beautician, depending on the type of treatment. These treatments do not harm other systems in the body and do not disrupt lifestyles. The various acne treatments offered at TreatMed Clinics Adapted to each patient individually according to the symptoms and their severity as well as according to the personal data that distinguish the patient.

home care

The treatment of acne and post-acne scars can be completed with the treatment kits of Tritmed Clinics , which seek to help you and yours to maintain and improve the facial skin. Estimates include selected products from a variety of companies, including those that can only be purchased through beauticians. This way there is no commitment to a specific company and you can enjoy the best products available from all the companies that sell in Israel. The various preparations were carefully selected by the Tritmed Clinics team to cooperate in the cleaning, restoration and renewal of your skin. Assessments can be purchased in a course that includes close supervision by the TreatMed Clinics team that will help you get the most out of your skincare routine and raise a level in your facial skin care at home. Treatmed Clinics specializes in providing a personalized aesthetic experience, both in the treatments carried out in the clinic and in your self-care with the help of appreciation, and we are here to provide you with an aesthetic experience that you have never known before.

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